Time:Tuesday, 5 12:20-13:20 December 2024
Venue:教學研究大樓 S801
Abstract:The cosmic infrared background (CIB) represents one of the Universe’s most fundamental constraints, yet its origin remained elusive for decades. In this talk, I will present our long-term efforts to resolve this puzzle, highlighting our latest measurements using the SCUBA-2 camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). Our results show that galaxies, in particular those that are enriched by dust, are the dominant contributors to the entire energy budget of the CIB. I will then take a deep dive and explore the properties of these dusty galaxies, discussing their formation mechanisms and their pivotal roles within the broader framework of galaxy evolution. Finally, I will introduce AtLAST, a planned 50-meter single-dish submillimeter telescope, which promises to address key challenges in galaxy evolution and cosmology, including the pressing mystery of the Hubble tension.