活動訊息:12/6(五) 12:20-13:20Cold Chaotic Accretion in M87: A GRMHD Approach to Understanding Black (Dr. Ishika Palit)

Time:Tuesday, 6 12:20-13:20 December 2024 


ABSTRACT: The supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center of M87, the brightest galaxy in the Virgo cluster, exhibits both low luminosity and high variability. In massive galaxy clusters, SMBHs are thought to be fueled by various mechanisms, including cold chaotic accretion (CCA). However, the complexities of the CCA process remain incompletely understood, especially given the vast dynamic range. To address these challenges, we employ general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of M87, using boundary conditions that mimic the infall of cold filaments and clouds, replicating the CCA scenario. Our study investigates the dynamics of gas accretion onto SMBHs, exploring the intricate interactions between turbulent cold gas flows, angular momentum cancellation, and thermalization via ADAF accretion.
By linking the small-scale physics of accretion to larger galactic dynamics, we aim to uncover the mechanisms driving variability in the mass accretion rate and their impact on galaxy evolution. In particular, the study of infalling cold gas clouds offers critical insights into the variability of the inner accretion flow, shedding light on SMBH feeding mechanisms and the resulting variability in galactic centers.

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