Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases: insights and limitations
加拿大麥克馬斯特大學生物學教授暨臺大公衛學院訪問學者Jonathan Dushoff博士
The spread of epidemics is structured by time distributions, including the now-famous “serial interval” between when an individual
experiences symptoms, and when the person that they infect experiences symptoms. This is often used to represent the “generation interval” between when the same two individuals were infected, but these can be importantly different. Defining these time distributions clearly, and describing how they relate to each other, and to key parameters of disease spread, poses interesting theoretical and practical questions.
I will discuss how transmission intervals link the “speed” and “strength” of epidemics, issues in their estimation, and their role in helping monitor changes in the parameters underlying disease, with examples from COVID-19, rabies and other HIV.