孟悟理教授與日本東京工業大學Yoshihiro Tonegawa教授和英國劍橋大學Neshan Wickramasekera教授透過國家理論中心平台,舉辦線上幾何測度論研討會 (NCTS international Geometric Measure Theory seminar),固定每兩個月辦理一次,活動內容請參閱活動海報及辦理時間如下:
Date & Time
2024/03/28 6:30-8:30 a.m.
On the Multiplicity One Conjecture for Mean Curvature Flows of Surfaces
Richard Bamler (University of California, Berkeley)
2024/05/15 8:00-10:00 p.m.
Energy identity for stationary harmonic maps
Daniele Valtorta (University of Milano Bicocca)
2024/07/17 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Almgren minimals sets, minimal cones, unions and products
2024年9月24日至25日本校數學系林俊吉教授、孟悟理教授及日本東京工業大學Yoshihiro Tonegawa教授、共同規劃「Mini-Workshop on Geometric Variational Problems, Geometric Measure Theory, and Related Topics」。
四、工作坊舉辦 Geometric Analysis Seminar (林俊吉、郭庭榕、張樹城)
Date & Time
2024/03/06 15:00-17:00p.m.
Bernstein-Type Theorem for Entire Minimal Graph of Higher Codimensions
張樹城 教授
2024/03/20 15:00-17:00p.m.
Introduction to Geometric Measure Theory
Chapter 1, Sec.1-3: Basic Notions, Hausdorff Measure, Density
林俊吉、郭庭榕 Author: Leon Simon
2024/04/03 15:00-17:00p.m.
Introduction to Geometric Measure Theory
Chapter 1, Sec.4-6: Differentiation Thm, Radon Measure, Representation Thm
林俊吉、郭庭榕 Author: Leon Simon
2024/04/17 15:00-17:00p.m.
Introduction to Geometric Measure Theory
Chap.2, Sec.1-2+Chap.3, Sec.4: Lipschitz functions, BV functions, Sets of Locally Finite Perimeter
林俊吉、郭庭榕 Author: Leon Simon
2024/05/01 15:00-17:00p.m.
Introduction to Geometric Measure Theory
Chap.2, Sec.3-5 + Sec. 7: Area Formula, Submanifolds, First Variation, Co-Area Formula (skipping Sec. 6: Second Variation)
林俊吉、郭庭榕 Author: Leon Simon
2024/05/14 15:00-17:00p.m.
Introduction to Geometric Measure Theory
Chap.6, Sec.1-2: Vectors, Co-Vectors, Forms, Currents