Participating professors

Tai-Yih Tsuo

Job Title: Leader of Research and Development Teamr
Job Responsibilities: Research and development of courses, teaching and teaching materials related to mathematics education
Personal webpage:

I-Wei Lai

Job Title: Leader of Communication Production Team
Job Responsibilities: Promoting International Exchanges in Mathematics Education
Personal webpage:

Chao-Jung Wu

Job Title: Leader of Education Promotion Team
Job Responsibilities: Research and development of courses, teaching and teaching materials related to mathematics education
Personal webpage:

數SDIME - 方mini

Ting-Ying Wang

Job Title: Leader of Integrated Business Team
Job Responsibilities: Comprehensively manage all SDIME businesses
personal webpage:

數SDIME - 方mini

Feng-Jui Hsieh

Job Title: Program Facilitator
Job Responsibilities: Job Responsibilities: Research and development of courses, teaching and teaching materials related to mathematics education
Personal webpage:

Chun-Chi Lin

Job Title: Program Facilitator
Job Responsibilities: Program for High School Gifted and Talented Students’ Post-College Adaptation and Transfer Counseling
Personal webpage:

Program Assistant

Lu, Yun-Shih

Contact person of the IME: Lu, Yun-Shih
Tel: +886-2-7749-6636